October 24, 2022 by Prof. Dr. Burak Tatli

Precision Medicine


Precision Medicine

(Target-Oriented Therapy – Patient-Specific Optimized Therapy – Precision Medication)

Planning of new generation tests (whole exome / whole genome) specific for pre-diagnosis in our clinic is very important since genetic result is the most important marker for diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Due to this dense genetic background of neurological diseases, genetic testing has become the most important diagnostic test in these diseases.

The genetic mutation detected in the patient does not only contribute to its diagnostic feature.


The newly acquired function of the first mutation detected gene (function gain - loss)

The position of the second mutation in the gene,

  1. changes in the 3D structure of the protein,

Many properties of the 4th protein, such as changes in its interaction with other proteins, are the main subject of many researches for treatment possibilities today. In fact, some of these properties are the most important indicator in the selection of the therapeutic agent to be used in some diseases.

For this reason, genetic results are examined in detail with our specialist doctors in our clinic, the characteristics of the detected mutation are determined, mechanism-based (mutation mechanism) specific treatment options are investigated with extensive literature reviews and applied with a targeted individual therapy approach. All known and researched treatments for the solution of the problem caused by the genetic problem at the cellular level are reviewed and presented to our patients by considering the potential benefit and harm.

In addition, since we have made this issue our priority, the design studies of new therapeutic molecules for Rett Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome continue with your donations under the leadership of Neurogender and our clinic.