December 5, 2023 by Zatay Medical Online | Pediatric Neurology Clinic
What is the child neurology?
Child Neurology is a medical specialty that deals with brain, nerve, muscle, and developmental disorders in children. It is also known as Pediatric Neurology or Developmental Neurology. Child neurology specialists earn the right to work in the field of child neurology by completing their specialization in child health and diseases and by doing advanced specialization. As pediatricians, the years we spend witnessing the normal development of healthy children enable us to detect neurological diseases in children earlier. Unlike adults, child neurology deals with the diseases of young organs, i.e., the young brain, young nerves, and muscles. If the diseases of the nerve system that has the ability to renew itself can be diagnosed early, children can often overcome these diseases.
In fact, not every situation that falls within the scope of child neurology is pathological, i.e., diseased. Child neurology specialists also determine that conditions such as mild developmental delays, such as late walking or late talking, are benign delays by monitoring these children. In addition to the examination, developmental tests, EEG, cranial ultrasound, and MR are used as auxiliary tests in child neurology. If you are concerned about delays, pauses, or epileptic seizures that occur during your child’s sensitive developmental period, you should consult a child neurology specialist without delay.
Instead of worrying, take action.
With the wish to see you in good health.
Assoc. Prof. Barış Ekici, Child Neurology Specialist