December 6, 2023 by Zatay Medical Online | Pediatric Neurology Clinic

Children's Language and Speech Development


Children’s language and speech development can vary from person to person. However, generally children develop similar language and speech skills at a certain age.

Children begin to develop language and speech skills from the moment they are born. In the first months, children only make sounds and cry. Then they start to make repetitive sounds, which are the first forms of words like “dada” and “mama”.

Between 6-12 months, children begin to make more sounds and control their speech movements. At this stage, children start to use their first words, but these words are only directed at family members or things they like.

Between 1-2 years old, children rapidly develop their language and speech skills. At this stage, children learn many words and start to form sentences. They also better control their speech movements and understand linguistic signs.

Between 2-3 years old, children further develop their language and speech skills. At this stage, they better control their speech movements and their speech becomes more intelligible. They also better understand linguistic signs and gain linguistic mastery.

Generally, children begin to develop their language and speech skills from the moment they are born and continue to develop these skills in later years. This process can vary depending on the child’s age, health condition, and the linguistic interactions in their environment.